
Welcome to MC 336: Interactive & Social Media

This blog is a collaborative effort by faculty and students in the Interactive & Social Media class, spring semester, 2021, at CSU – Pueblo. Some posts will be informative and based on research, while others will be personal reflections on the weekly topics. We invite you to join the conversation understanding that we are on a journey; finding our way and informing our perspectives as we look at the past, present, and future of these dynamic media industries.

Course Organization


AR/VR Naimark’s students gave good ideas for what they are most excited about and what they are most concerned about with VR/AR. I think it is exciting for students to have new experiences with technology. VR/AR gives them a whole new view on learning and makes it fun for them too. I feel that this…

Virtual Reality Technology

                Throughout my life as an American I have had the privilege of playing lots of games throughout my life, but I never truly could have imagined the current state of videos games expanding into virtual reality within my 20 years being alive. I am extremely surprised by the rapid development of virtual reality technology…

Virtual Reality

At this point and time we have all heard of virtual reality and quite possibly have played around with it. Virtual reality is the next step in technologies as it gives you a real feeling that you are in a reality you chose when you put the headset on. The idea of this is remarkable…

Class blog for MC 336 at CSU – Pueblo, Spring Semester, 2021

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