Learning AR

The first time I was introduced to augmented reality was through Snapchat. This assignment introduced me to Google AR, the Augment app, and Lens Studio.

Taking an AR Photo

To take an AR photo, I downloaded the Google chrome app. Then, I googled, “Elephant” and tapped the “View in 3D” option. However, when I attempted to use the AR animal with my camera, my camera wouldn’t open. After trying to fix the problem for awhile, I decided to download the Augment app and try that.

The Augment app was easy to use, but it doesn’t allow you to have a “selfie-facing” camera. Also, the animal AR didn’t work. The Augment app has many different categories, such as home decor, electronics, and merchandising.

The photo below is an AR photo with a coffee maker. I thought this was cool because, practically, it could be useful to see if an appliance fits in your kitchen.

I could see AR used for entertainment, business, and educational purposes. For example, the Augment app had a ton of objects, like refrigerators, fireplaces, and lamps. For home improvement companies, AR can be a tool to help customers feel more comfortable buying products online without physically seeing them.

Using Lens Studio

I was surprised how simple Lens Studio is to use. While there was a lot I didn’t understand yet, it was helpful that they had templates to work with. I liked playing around on the software and it seems simple to learn. This would be a great skill to learn for fun and also, add on a resume (since AR is becoming popular).

3 thoughts on “Learning AR

  1. I like the snapchat filter because it’s different from everyone else’s and I also liked how you used a coffee maker and how you explained a way to use it to help measure whether an appliance would fit or not.


  2. I didn’t even think about using AR for home appliances, that’s very useful. Instead of using measuring tapes, we can just plop a piece of furniture where we want it and see how it would look! Furniture companies should make this a norm if they haven’t yet already. Nice coffee maker photo too, I like that you used an actual mug with an augmented coffee maker, makes everything look cohesive! 😀


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