Google AR

I think I had a little too much fun with this assignment. I appreciate so many things about Google, but my number one would be their clear instructions on how to use their products. I had to search how to use the app to complete this assignment, and it was clear on what I had to do to get it done!

After I figured the Google app down, I was having a blast! I had a giraffe, wombat, capybara, shark and a pug in my living room. I could see how some social media campaigns could use this to increase engagement, especially with their younger audience. This was a fun assignment to complete.

When playing with Snapchat and making a filter, it was difficult, but was really cool to see the end product. I could see this for our games with the Bulls to become a main story here in Pueblo. It was a really cool skill to learn and, again, was really easy to learn!

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