Exciting or Concerning?

Most excited:

I am most excited for two parts of the category. Education and new experiences. I think that for education VR/AR are going to be great for students. Of course, upper lever students will benefit is learning simulations. I think during this pandemic nursing students could’ve really benefitted from it. Learning online is hard enough, but its especially hard when your training need not be hands on in fields like nursing. I also think VR/AR would be great for younger students. Class would be so much fun if you could interact with what you’re learning about rather than reading it from a book or seeing it on a screen. Especially for students that need extra attention. My brother, who had a really hard time learning and focusing the traditional way, would have really benefited from a more interactive learning experience.

I’m also excited about new experiences. I sometimes can’t believe how much of the world I haven’t seen. And I probably never will because traveling is so expensive. VR/AR would allow me to see parts of the world I never imagined I would. And it would be different than seeing pictures online. It would also allow people to see worlds that don’t exists, like in video games. In all VR/AR would make life more exciting.  

More Concerned:

What Im most concerned about is definitely abuse. Greedy people have a way of ruining things for everyone else. Almost every dystopian movie where technology takes over is because some wealthy loser decided to take advantage of something really cool. There would need to be some sort of government regulation that stops corporations from abusing the system. I think someone would also need to be checking the government, the government is not above the abuse of power.

360 Video

I think 360 video storytelling is really cool. I think it’s a new innovative way to use technology in way that most people are not used to. I don’t think that it should become the new norm. Traditional documentaries are a little easier to focus on. I feel like a little more distracted with eh 360 videos. Although sometimes I wonder if I’m just stuck in my ways. I know that there are adults that looks at tik tok as if its ruining society and think we should just stick to what we know. I fear that I will be closed minded in with future technology the way some adults are now with social media. And while 360 videos give me a little bit of a headache, the next generation will grow up with them. 360 videos will be the new normal and my opinions will stay in the past.

One thought on “VR/AR

  1. I think VR/AR will be a norm in the tools of education in the future. Courses could even be offered to know how to build VR/AR platforms and study the mechanics of it. I’m excited for what’s to come!


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