Exciting or Concerning? Most excited: I am most excited for two parts of the category. Education and new experiences. I think that for education VR/AR are going to be great for students. Of course, upper lever students will benefit is learning simulations. I think during this pandemic nursing students could’ve really benefitted from it. LearningContinue reading “VR/AR”

The Pros And Cons Of Big Techs Using Our Personal Data

It sometimes scares me just how much of my data big companies are using. However, not enough for me to click no when asked about collecting cookies from various websites. I know it’s not necessarily evil for companies to use my information, it’s just very invasive. There are many pros to this practice. The main one beingContinue reading “The Pros And Cons Of Big Techs Using Our Personal Data”

Social Media Campaign: Target Audience and Competition

We my client and I first sat down to create our book club, she did not want the target audience to be too specific. We decided on anyone who is interested in reading community would be our target audience. We have since decided to make it a little less broad. My client has decided ourContinue reading “Social Media Campaign: Target Audience and Competition”

Social Media Campaign-Jane Doe’s Book Club

Book clubs seemed to be a thing of the past especially with coronavirus limiting the amount of people we get to hang out with. Which is why client wanted to create a virtual book club. Our virtual book club was a way to build community in a time when no one is allowed to hangContinue reading “Social Media Campaign-Jane Doe’s Book Club”

How I feel out of love with the internet…

From the article How I feel out of love with the internet step number 4 stood out to me the most. Hold the internet in your hand. I have always been amazed by how much information is available to me at all times. I never really had internet access when I was younger like aContinue reading “How I feel out of love with the internet…”

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