AR Photo and Videos

This was a super fun assignment to learn about and complete. I find it very amusing how in the tutorial for the Google AR Animal photo, that the man speaking referenced a way to keep your kids busy, and in fact I think this could be amusing to ANYBODY because I had so much funContinue reading “AR Photo and Videos”

Google Street View: An Epic Way to Help Society

This assignment was one that truly opened my eyes to the possibilities of the awesome Google Street View app. The app is very user friendly, super easy to download, and something that can really help everybody out. I just went outside and did a street view of my apartment complex, but in the long runContinue reading “Google Street View: An Epic Way to Help Society”

Ledger of Harms: Physical and Mental Health

The category “Physical and Mental Health” is one of the categories that doesn’t concern me. The why it matters is something that really has never affected me. It stated, “As technology increasingly pervades our waking lives, research is showing a wide range of effects on our happiness, our self image, and our mental health.” 30%Continue reading “Ledger of Harms: Physical and Mental Health”

Social Media Campaign: LukeySiggs

Better late than ever is what I would say when it comes down to it. Seth Six along with myself have started our campaign for local musical artist and YouTuber Luke Siggins. Luke is a CSU-Pueblo Alum and someone who has helped me greatly through my early years at the University. His channel on YouTubeContinue reading “Social Media Campaign: LukeySiggs”

SoundCloud will now pay indie artists, will this bring the app back into spotlight?

The app SoundCloud is a music sharing app that was once for up and coming artists, and it still is. In the past couple years the app has fallen out of the spotlight from its original “blow up” when the app was helping popular artists grow into who they are now. Now as more ofContinue reading “SoundCloud will now pay indie artists, will this bring the app back into spotlight?”

Robots are taking over, but starting with dogs first.

We all know that robots will one day reside with us side by side in society, and we will live in a video game and Cyberpunk civilization. It was rumbas first, then the big cleaning robots at Walmart, and now Boston Dynamics has developed a robot dog that will replace mans best friend. Just kidding.Continue reading “Robots are taking over, but starting with dogs first.”

The Video Game Drought: How Vikings are Saving Twitch

Anyone who plays online video games, or consumes video game content knows that there’s a lack of “good” games at the moment. Good is in quotations because yes there’s tons of good games out at the moment, but these are games we’ve already been playing for years. The current steam top 10 includes games thatContinue reading “The Video Game Drought: How Vikings are Saving Twitch”

How I fell out of love with the internet… sort of

Out of the 16 points made in the article, I feel that I identify the closest with number one. “Fall in love with the internet” is my choice, not because I’m lazy and chose the first one, but because I truly feel that this is how I feel about the internet. A few personal examplesContinue reading “How I fell out of love with the internet… sort of”

Disney Plus is surging with subscribers, but is still second to Netflix.

A quote that has relevancy wherever you may see it, “it’s a marathon, not a sprint.” That is certainly Disney’s approach to things, to be happy but not satisficed with the new numbers they just dropped in everyone’s lap. Disney Plus has now reached a new high of 94.9 million subscribers in their new quarterContinue reading “Disney Plus is surging with subscribers, but is still second to Netflix.”

Will Amazon’s Rivian Vans End the Dog vs. Mailman Rivalry?

Rivian is an electric startup that began secretly in 2009, but after going public in 2018 are ready to take over the electric vehicle industry. The company aims to take a different approach to the electric vehicle industry, pointed at the adventure and ruggedness of the outdoors. Less of the sport and luxury look ofContinue reading “Will Amazon’s Rivian Vans End the Dog vs. Mailman Rivalry?”

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