AR Tutorial Demo

This is a sample post of the AR tutorial assignment for week 12. First is the countdown hat tutorial in Snapchat’s Lens Studio software. After downloading and running Lens Studio, select New Project, then click on the Help menu and select Start Tutorial. The tutorial will step you through the process of creating a “countdownContinue reading “AR Tutorial Demo”

NFT’s Are Lit

According to the Urban Dictionary “lit” can mean both “amazing” and “mildly intoxicated.” I think that second definition may be particularly useful to describe the folks who are dropping millions of dollars on this latest fad. In short, the fad is the creation of digital assets that use blockchain technology (the same technology behind crypto-currencies)Continue reading “NFT’s Are Lit”

Watch What you Say, and Tweet

Journalists are being suspended and loosing their jobs for using language perceived as insensitive, offensive or inappropriate. According to Tom Jones at Poynter, An anchor at a local TV station in Washington, D.C., has been suspended over an insensitive tweet he sent out complaining about people with obesity and the COVID-19 vaccine. Blake McCoy…tweeted, “I’mContinue reading “Watch What you Say, and Tweet”

Unreal Engine’s Really Realistic Avatars

Game developers and interactive media content creators have long struggled to achieve the holy grail of human replication. There’s even a word for the gap between what we accept as believable: the Uncanny Valley. But Unreal Engine’s latest software developments are showing great promise for CGI that bridges that valley. According to Input Magazine, MetaHumanContinue reading “Unreal Engine’s Really Realistic Avatars”


No, ancient Greeks and Romans didn’t use smart phones to take selfies, but they did engage in dyadic communication and Socratic exchanges. Give and take, question and answer, assertion and rebuttal; we’ve been engaging in interactive communication since the beginning of time. But interactive media is only as old as mass media, and most notably,Continue reading “Past”


The current state of Interactive and social media is dominated by the various Web 2.0 services. According to Wikipedia, “Web 2.0 … refers to websites that emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture and interoperability (i.e., compatible with other products, systems, and devices) for end users.” Facebook, IG, YouTube, TikTok, Wikipedia, and Twitter areContinue reading “Present”

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