The World of VR

Over the course of the pandemic, there have been many people who have been feeling severe cabin fever. After seeing some of the capabilities that VR has, it could be useful in situations for people who are excited to get out and be social, but not ready because they may be at a higher riskContinue reading “The World of VR”

Social Media Helps Bring Attention to a Call for Equality

This month we celebrated the women in our lives by it being National Women’s History Month. 31 days to celebrate the strides women have made and the history they’ve created. March is also very huge in the world of college basketball, with the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s March Madness in full swing. The two cameContinue reading “Social Media Helps Bring Attention to a Call for Equality”

Wandavision Fan Base Storms the Internet

The nine-episode experience of Disney+’s “Wandavision” finished it’s first season and fans used social media to share excitement, disappointments, and theories. This was a show that gave us all something to talk about since the excitement of 2020’s Netflix show “Tiger King” took us for our first quarantine binge series.  Twitter has been a placeContinue reading “Wandavision Fan Base Storms the Internet”

Taking a look at the top stories on Reddit has been a place for people to go to share ideas, join new fandoms and find a common place to escape to. It’s a place to learn about new things and even find some friends. I took a look into what was trending on reddit today, March 2, 2021, and here’s what’s happening onContinue reading “Taking a look at the top stories on Reddit”

Social Media Campaign for LionHeart

For my social media campaign, I am teaming up with the team at Awards by Trophy City as they start their rebranding process to become LionHeart Custom Design & Apparel. After talking with the owner and hearing about what they’re moving towards, there’s a lot of potential in terms of social media.  Currently Awards byContinue reading “Social Media Campaign for LionHeart”

Falling in love by going to the beginning

Lately, I feel like the internet has been a place where I need to escape from and not the place I need to escape to. During this past year where everything has been unpredictable, it’s been nice to sit down and get lost in the discovery page on Instagram. Find some lifting techniques and howContinue reading “Falling in love by going to the beginning”

How celebrities are a prime example to watch what you post online

Though Cancel Culture is something that many can argue both sides about, it’s easy to say that it plays a huge part in our lives. At first, it was primarily a social media influencer’s problem but now, we’re seeing its effect with major celebrities and politicians as well.  On the night of February 10, LucasfilmContinue reading “How celebrities are a prime example to watch what you post online”

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