Virtual Reality

When I think of Virtual Reality, the first thing that come to mind is gaming or work out programs. I think of it for the user to be active and focused on some type of mission. I never considered that Virtual Reality could expand into documentary filmmaking or other art forms. I really like that this type of filmmaking hasContinue reading “Virtual Reality”

360 Film & VR Possibilities

360 Documentaries The possibilities for 360 video cameras are endless. After watching a couple of 360 documentaries on Within, Cinematic VR streaming platform, I realized how film makers could create compelling stories with the technology. First, I watched the mini 360 documentary, CNN: Enter North Korea. It was so interesting because the 360 view helpedContinue reading “360 Film & VR Possibilities”

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a very interesting form of technology and I was happy to experiment with it this week. For this week, I chose to experiment with the Google AR Animals and the Lens Studio. I took a selfie with my new “friend”, which was an Atlas Moth. The process of using the AR Animals was very easy as well. Users can search anyContinue reading “Augmented Reality”

360 Photo Experience

Creating the 360 photos with Google was surprisingly easy for me. The interactivity of this media is easy for users to create one large photo of an open space by taking multiple photos. The Google Street View app is very descriptive and takes the users step by step to submitting their own 360 photos. At first, I thought it would be confusing especially because I doContinue reading “360 Photo Experience”

My Experience with Street View 360 Photo

Before this week, I wasn’t aware of 360 YouTube videos. In the module, the Natalie Portman clip, Kobe Bryant’s game, and the Colorado National Park video were interesting! I like the 360 video/photo concept because it allows for people to experience the “real world” in a way. Compared to VR, 360 video is more centeredContinue reading “My Experience with Street View 360 Photo”

Ledger of Harms: Physical and Mental Health

For the blog assignment for this week, one of the four prompts I chose was the third one. The third prompt instructed us to view the Ledger of Harms website and view the harms and evidence for each category that was given. Naturally, I clicked straight to mental and physical harm on mental and physicalContinue reading “Ledger of Harms: Physical and Mental Health”

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