Virtual Reality

When I think of Virtual Reality, the first thing that come to mind is gaming or work out programs. I think of it for the user to be active and focused on some type of mission. I never considered that Virtual Reality could expand into documentary filmmaking or other art forms. I really like that this type of filmmaking hasContinue reading “Virtual Reality”

Unreal Engine’s Really Realistic Avatars

Game developers and interactive media content creators have long struggled to achieve the holy grail of human replication. There’s even a word for the gap between what we accept as believable: the Uncanny Valley. But Unreal Engine’s latest software developments are showing great promise for CGI that bridges that valley. According to Input Magazine, MetaHumanContinue reading “Unreal Engine’s Really Realistic Avatars”

Pokemon Go-How I came to know augmented reality

The first experience that I had with augmented reality was with the game PokémonGo. I remember the month PokémonGo released, the whole world it seemed was on the same page of excitement. Pokémon has always carried a bit of nostalgia for me, but augmented realty had not yet been accessible to me. I think itContinue reading “Pokemon Go-How I came to know augmented reality”

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