Is TikTok Toxic?

The social media platform has taken over not just this generation (Generation Z) but the Boomers, Generation X, along with the Millennials aka Gen Y. If you don’t already know, this viral video-sharing social network owned by a Chinese company which was released in 2016 is used to make a variety of short-form videos, from dance, comedy, and education. It has been downloaded 738 million times in 2019 and so far TikTok’s most active users were estimated at 800 million. The total of TikTok downloads is over 1.5 billion making it the seventh-most downloaded app of the 2010s.

I ran from TikTok for as long as I could until I finally caved and hit that download button to see what all the hype was about. Just that one click and I sold my soul to TikTok, for good, I’ll never go back. This app is simply just too addictive, one or two videos isn’t enough you have to watch at least 72 and then before you know it it’s 3 AM.

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The problem with TikTok that can make it toxic for users is the amount of people on the app who troll you. Every video is going to have a negative comment, between the comments of hate, judgement, and rude criticism some can say really mean hurtful things that should never be said to any human being.

Something else I’ve noticed on TikTok is that it can trigger people with certain disorders or issues. For example, having body image issues or the need to seek societal acceptance and value other peoples opinions to be happy or to not feel insecure in the videos they post. This has great effect on mental health making this app destructive for users well-being because the negative comments that are left are so damaging when read, and the unhealthy amount of time people spend on TikTok which all goes to show how toxic TikTok truly is.

4 thoughts on “Is TikTok Toxic?

  1. This was interesting Macey. I do agree that Tik Tok could be toxic to users. It is addictive but I would like to know more about the affect it has on mental health just like other social media platforms. I’m not doubting that it has an impact on people I just really want to know if Tik Tok is as bad as instagram or twitter just comparing the different platforms.

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  2. Great post Macey. I really loved this topic and the post because it is very much a real issue and especially for our generation. I feel that tik tok has become apart of so many peoples lives and it has gotten to the point of no return in terms of the toxicity within the tik tok community. I loved the way you incorporated how some people have triggers from tik tok that can make their condition or disorders have an episode. Great work!


  3. I agree that tik tok is definitely toxic to some degree as you mentioned issues with body image, as well as the issue with trolling which is inevitable. I personally don’t have tik tok but nearly every person who I know that does has told me it is so bad for them in the time management aspect so I think you’re definitely on to something here. As far as my opinion goes, with the trends it sets and some of the more questionable challenges people attempt for a shot at going viral on tik tok it definitely agree it is more toxic than other social media sites.


  4. This is an interesting point. Since TikTok is a platform relying heavily on the user’s algorithm, do you think this can make the platform a more mentally healthy place compared to something like Twitter, where whatever is posted is shared equally? I often see a lot of powerlifting and dog videos on the platform because that’s what I generally like on the app, but my brother sees videos surrounding parenting and political topics. So, how do you feel the platform is handing the toxicity that could be presented by relying on algorithm?


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